P2 CEM cover leak / P2 protékání vody na CEM

První ročníky faceliftových P2 (V/XC70, S60, S80, XC90) - t.j. celý ročník MY 2005 a první týdny MY2006 - trpí problémem vnikání vlhkosti resp. vody do centrální jednotky CEM. Jedná se o výrobní vadu, často se projevujcí.  A - pokud není preventivně…

Známé chyby po nahrání optimalizace výkonu

After performing engine optimization, the following errors are 95% likely to occur, which are only visible after loading any diagnostics. These are engine unit software checksum - ECM. The original checksum of the engine unit is stored in the memory…

Volvo DiCE - update

EN DiCE update VDASH works best with the latest Windows driver and the latest DiCE firmware. Both available for download: https://d5t5.com/sw/SetupDiCE.exe  Update the DiCE firmware DiCE with SN 2xx.xxx to version 5.6.2 from: c:\Program Files\DiCE…

Web release notes

Web release notes

Pairing SCU / SCL unit

Preconditions IMMO code must present - for P3 cars it is automatically decoded when CEM PIN is present or successfully decoded. The SCU / SCL unit must be new virgin (blue box), used SCU / SCL from another car can't be used. Procedure Ignition…

TFT retrofit

TFT DIM Retrofit - A platform for series P3 (S/V60, XC60, S80II, XC/V70III) All older platforms - P3 are all equipped with the older version of the instrumental board. (DIM)  or These vehicles can be modernized and equipped with much more modern…

MVBM-B16527F Volvo mildhybrid battery fixup with VDASH (MVBM-B1652-7F)

MVBM-B16527F repair If you have any mildhybrid Volvo with 48V battery (model year 2020+) and you crash just a little bit, your engine stop starting. This is caused by security reason and the main relay in the MVBM battery is disconnected. Volvo…

Bluetooth P2V2 - Installation guide

How to install the Bluetooth module BT Volvo P2V2 Note: Before you begin, make sure you have read the manual beforehand. Warning: The Bluetooth module is a plate highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Therefore you must be careful…

Bluetooth modul BT PHONE P3GSM - User Guide

User Guide Bluetooth modul BT PHONE P3GSMa volitelné rozšíření pro poslech hudby  1.        Introduction Because the update is based on the original Phone Module (PHM) all the control of this updated module is the same as the original one. So it’s…

Engine Remote Start - ERS

Certain P3 Volvo cars are able to start engine from car key (both 5-button and 6-button) after change of the cars configuration. List of supported cars and tutorial how to start the engine is described below. Cars: - the car must have an automatic…

V90CC MY2019 Video in motion and PilotAssist

How to activate video in motion in all SPA/CMA models and retrieve the Pilot Assisst (Autopilot) function:  In order for you to get this function you need to obtain the CEM PIN code, which is done by using our VDASH PRO Verified dealer (red flag)!…

ECM PIN decoding (applicable only for P3, SPA/CMA and P1 MY2012+)

PIN decoding for ECM - motor unit - chiptuning EDC16C31 in platform 3 - 5-cyl diesel Euro4 engines - if you need to decode this unit, use our contact form or contact our dealers from VDASH PRO or VDASH PRO VERIFIED.- or send the ECU to us https:/…

Volvo abbreviations - zkratky

Volvo abbreviations ABS Anti-lock Brake System modulate ABL Active Bending Light AC Alternating Current A/C Air Conditioning ACC Adaptive Cruise Control ACCM Air Conditioning Control Module ACM Alternator Control Module ADM Additive Dosing Module…

Boost pressure sensor clogged - diesel VEA and latest D5 5-cyl.

If you have diesel car with 5-cylinder engine from 2012 or newer, or you have 4-cylinder VEA engine, then you need to clean the boost pressure sensor every 30-80.000-km. Otherwise your engine power will rapidly decrease and you can expect the engine…

VDD update from 2G to 4G modem, or exchange for CFE

If the availability of 2G networks in your country deteriorates, and VDD has more frequent outages, we offer you the option of exchanging your old 1x/2x VDD for a newer 3x VDD version with a 4G modem. Conditions: 1) The VDD must be functional, it…

Sensus connect - Navigation activation with VDASH

If there's Sensus connect installed in your vehicle and you are able to see this message once having pushed the NAV button or it simply appears in VDASH, it means that your vehicle has a navigation map for certain regions or countries in places…

Programming modules in Volvo - can I 'kill it'?

Programming modules in Volvo cars - is it possible to kill it during software loading? When power-up any Volvo electronic control module, the primary bootloader starts (PBL) for 20 ms (0.02 seconds). During this time the control module receive a…

Volvo P2 keys and remotes explained

Remote keys and ignition keys in Volvo P2 vehicles Volvo platforms are describedhere: VOLVO platforms The ignition key and the remote control in Volvo P2 platform vehicles are separate, and essentially, they do not relate to each other at all. The…

How to appear on the MAP as a D5T5 dealer?

If you wish to be visible as a dealer on the D5T5 map, all that it requires is you simply going to VDASH and change the settings to dealer. https://d5t5.com/dealers/ The map is updated once every 24 hours.

Bluetooth P2V2 - User guide

User Guide For Bluetooth module BT Volvo P2v2    1.        Introduction Because the update is based on the original Phone Module (PHM) all the control of this updated module is same as an original one. So it’s recommended to be familiar with the…

Bluetooth modul BT PHONE P3GSM - Installation guide

Installation Guide For the Bluetooth module BT PHONE P3GSMand audio extensions   Note: Please read the whole Guide first before you start with the replacement. Caution: The Bluetooth module is an ESD sensitive board. Be careful after…

P3 MY2012+ heated steering wheel

How to retrofit heated steering wheel for all Volvo P3 SENSUS cars: Applicable for S80, V70, XC70, XC60 MY 2012+ and S/V60 MY 2013+ What you need: heated steering wheel HSWM module (heating unit for the steering wheel) - 31343460 SAS ring -…

Bluetooth P2V2 for Volvo

Bluetooth P2V2 module - description / features / supported cars    

Refund/credit policy | Politika refundace peněz / kreditu

When is it possible to request a refund? All unused credit is possible to be returned within 21 days from purchase. After this period has passed it is not possible to request a refund of purchased credit back to your bank account. All additional…


SRS-CFFF Very common fault for Volvo P1 cars (C30 / S40II / V50 / C70). Official way how to fix this eeror is replace the SRS unit by Volvo dealer for approx 800,- Eur. VDASH can fix this error via OBD without any harm of airbag system (all will…

Vdash release notes

Vdash release notes

EGR blanking plate - Euro3 D5 - D5244T/D5244T2

If you load EGR OFF software into Euro3 engine (D5244T (120kW) or D5244T2 (96kW)) with VDASH, you must install EGR blanking plate according the pictures below: You can buy the blanking plate in our e-shop.    

Volvo diesel injectors codes and engine variants

Injector part numbers according the Volvo platform and engine code Volvo platforms recognition is here: VOLVO platforms Some of those injectors requires coding the IMA codes or the injector class. Both can be done with VDASH or VIDA. P3 only …

VDASH in virtual environment - VM / VMware / VirtualPC

Running VDASH in a virtual environment is not allowed due to a very unstable between the USB connection and DiCE. We spent a lot of time running VDASH and car programming in a virtual environment and eventually decided to forbid using VDASH in said…