Custom mileage manipulation of your Volvo SPA/CMA
In new Volvo cars platform SPA and CMA is implemented advanced milage synchronization across entire car (all modules), therefore if someone has and idea to swap instrument cluster (DIM) for another one, then you have to make sure, the cluster has 100% lower mileage on it, then the rest of the car. Otherwise the rest of the car will be synchronized with the higher mileage from the donor cluster (DIM).
example 1:
- Volvo XC90 2019 has mileage 100.000km
- Spare DIM has mileage 120.000km
if you connect spare DIM into the car, the car takeover the mileage from spare DIM and it will be synchronized to 120.000km. Even if you connect back the old DIM, the old DIM (with mileage 100.000km) overtake the mileage from the car and will show 120.000km. After this you will have car with 120.000km and both DIMs will ave also 120.000km.
Result of this example is, your car will have manipulated mileage (increased) by +20.000km and this proces is not reversible
example 2:
- Volvo XC40 2023 has mileage 50.000km
- Spare DIM has mileage 30.000km
If you connect spare DIM into the car, the DIM takeover the mileage from the car and will snychronize to 50.000km.
In this case the car was not manipulated at all, only the DIM takeover the mileage from the car.
If you do not know the actual milage of the SPARE DIM (from scrapyard, auction, etc...) AVOID connecting it to the car, because your car can be manipulated to higher mileage with NO WAY BACK!
You can check with VDASH, if your car was manipulated in the past for FREE. For connecting your car you can use SUPER J2534, VOE or Volvo DiCE. All is available in our e-shop.