Volvo abbreviations
ABS Anti-lock Brake System modulate
ABL Active Bending Light
AC Alternating Current
A/C Air Conditioning
ACC Adaptive Cruise Control
ACCM Air Conditioning Control Module
ACM Alternator Control Module
ADM Additive Dosing Module
AEM Accessory Electronic Module
AFM AM/FM Tuner Module
AGM Active Grille shutter Module
AHB Active High Beam
AHCM Additional Heater Control Module
ALM Ambience Lights Module
AM Amplitude Modulation
ANC Active Noise Control
AOC Active On demand-Coupling
APMS Airbone Particulate Matter Sensor
AQS Air Quality Sensor
ATM Antenna Module
AUD Audio Module
AUX Auxiliary
AWD All Wheel Drive
AYC Active Yaw Control
BBS Battery Back-up Siren
BCM Brake Control Module
BCU Battery Climate Unit
BECM Battery Energy Control Module
BEV Battery Electric Vehicle
BMS Battery Monitoring Sensor
BPM Bluetooth Phone Module
BPS Brake Pressure Support
BSC Body Sensor Cluster
CAN Controller Area Network
CC Cruise Control
CCC Closed Coupled Catalyst
CCM Climate Control Modulate
CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube system
CD Compact Disc
CEM Central Electronic Module
CJB Coupé Junction Box
CMS Collision Mitigation System
CO Carbon Oxide
CPM Combustion Pre-heater Module
CPSR Charge Power Sustain Relay
CRM Convertible Roof Module
CSC Customer Service Centre
CTA Cross Traffic Alert
CVBS Composite Video Baseband Signal
CVC Complete Vehicle Control
CVVT Continuous Variable Valve Timing
CVM Closing Velocity Module
CZIP Clean Zone Interior Package
DABM Digital Audio Broadcast Module
DAC Driver Alert Control
DAS Driver Alert System
DC Direct Current
DCC DisConnect Clutch
DCDC DC to DC converter
DCP Diesel Common rail Pump
DDM Driver Door Module
DDRL Dedicated Daytime Running Lights
DEM Differential Electronic Module
DiCE Diagnostic Communication Equipment
DIM Driver Information Module
DMM Damper Motor Module
DRL Daytime Running Lights
DSR Driver Steering Recommendation
DSTC Dynamic Stability and Traction Control
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DVB-T Digital Video Broadcast Terrestrial
EA Emergency Alarm
EBA Emergency Brake Assist
EBD Electronic Brake force Distribution
EBL Emergency Brake Light
ECC Electronic Climate Control
ECCM Electric Charge Air Compressor Module
ECM Engine Control Module
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EJB Engine Junction Box
EL-A/C Electric A/C compressor
EOE Engine Order Enhancement
EOP Electrical Operated Pump
EOR Engine Order Reduction
EPB Electric Parking Brake
EPAS Electric Power Assisted Steering
EHPAS Electro Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering
EPS Electrical Power Steering
ERAD Electric Rear Axle Drive
ERS Engine Remote Start
ESM Exterior Sound Module
ETM Electronic Throttle Module
FBS Fading Brake Support
FCW Forward Collision Warning
FET Field Effect Transistor
FM Frequency Modulation
FoPB Foot operated Parking Brake
Four-C Continuously Controlled Chassis Concept
4C Continuously Controlled Chassis Concept
FSM Forward Sensing Module
FOH Fuel Operated Heater
FWD Front Wheel Drive
GDL Gas Discharge Lamp Module
GFT Getrag Ford Transmissions
GPS Global Positioning System Module
GSM Gear Selector Module
HBS Heart Beat Sensor
HC Hydro Carbon
HCM Headlamp Control Module
HCML Headlamp Control Module Left
HCMR Headlamp Control Module Right
HDC Hill Descent Control
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
HLDF High Level Display Front
HS High Speed
HS CAN High Speed CAN
HUD Head Up Display
HUS Humidity Sensor
IAM Integrated Audio Module
IAU Immobiliser Antenna Unit
IC Integrated Circuit
ICM Infotainment Control Module
iCUP Infotainment Connectivity Unit Program / Android infotainment
IDIS Intelligent Driver Information System
IEM Inverter ERAD Module
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
IGM Inverter Generator Module
IHU Infotainment Head Unit
IMS Interior Motion Sensor
IR Infra red
IRRL Interior Rear Roof Lamp
ISC Inverter System Controller
ISG Integrated Starter Generator
ISM Inclination Sensor Module
KVM Keyless Vehicle Module
kHz kilo Hertz
kW kilo Watt
K-Line Serial data communication
LDM Left rear Door Module
LDW Lane Departure Warning
LED Light Emitting Diode
LHCU Left Headlamp Control Unit
LIN Local Interconnect Network
LKA Lane Keeping Aid
LOS Limited Operational Strategy
LS Low Speed
LSM Light Switch Module
LVDS Low-Voltage Differential Signalling
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAF Manifold Air Flow
MCC Manual Climate Control
MD Mini Disc
uF micro Farad
MHEV Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle
MMM Multi Media Module
MMS Mass Movement Sensor module
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOST Media Oriented System Transport
MPS Modular Power Shift
MS CAN Medium Speed CAN
NCT New Car Training
NEDC New European Driving Cycle
NMOG Non-Methane Organic Gases
NICA Nominated person In Control of work Activity
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
OBC OnBoard Charger
OBC GW OnBoard Charger GateWay
OHB Optimised Hydraulic Brakes
OHC Over Head Console
OWS Occupant Weight System
PAC Park Assist Camera
PACOS Passenger Airbag Cut Off Switch
PAD Passenger Airbag Deactivated
PAE Passenger Airbag Engaged
PAM Parking Assistance Module
PAP Park Assist Pilot
PAS Park Assist System
PBM Parking Brake Module
PCC Personal Car Communicator
PDM Passenger Door Module
PEM Pump Electronic Module
PFB Pre Fuse Box
PHM Phone Module
PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PiH Plug in Hybrid
POI Point Of Interest
POT Power Operated Tailgate Module
PPM Pedestrian Protection Module
PRV Pressure Relief Valve
PSCM Power Steering Control Module
PSM Power Seat Module
PSR Power Sustain Relay
PT Power Tailgate
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PWM Pulse Width Modulated
RA Road Assistance
RAB Ready Alert Brakes
RBCM Redundant Brake Control Module
RBDS Radio Broadcast Data System
RBMS Redundant Battery Monitoring Sensor
RDM Right rear Door Module
RDU Remote Door Unlock
RDS Radio Data System
ReSC Regenerative Stability Control
REM Rear Electronic Module
RFR Radio Frequency Receiver
RGB Red/Green/Blue
RHS Remote Heater Start
RHCU Right Headlamp Control Unit
RJB Rear Junction Box
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
RME Raps Methyl Ester
RPDM Rear Passenger Door Module
RRX Remote Receiver
RSD Reduced Stopping Distance
RSE Rear Seat Entertainment Module
RSI Road Sign Information
RSM Rain Sensor Module
RTI Road Traffic Information Module
RVI Remote Vehicle Immobiliser
TFT Thin Film Transistor
SAC Self Adjusting Clutch
SAS Steering Wheel Angle Sensor Module
SC Stability Control
SCL Steering Column Lock
SCM Siren Control Module
SCU Start Control Unit
SDN SRS Deployment Notification
SHML Seat Heating Module Left
SHMR Seat Heating Module Right
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIPS Side Impact Protection System
SMS Short Message System
SoC State of Charge
SODL Side Object Detection Left module
SODR Side Object Detection Right module
SoH State of Health
SRM Sun Roof Module
SRS Supplement Restraint System module
STC Stability and Traction Control
SSB Start Stop Box
SSM Safe Stop Module
SSR Solid State Relay
SUB Sub Woofer Module
SVT Stolen Vehicle Tracking
SW Software
SWM Steering Wheel Module
SWSL Steering Wheel Switches Left
TAS Torque and Angle Sensor
TCH Thermal Cup Holder
TCM Transmission Control Module
TEM Telematic Electronic Module
TMC Traffic Message Channel
TN Theft Notification
TRM Trailer Module
TVM Television Module
TXV Thermal Expansion Valve
UDD Unauthorised Driver Detection
UMD Unauthorised Movement Detection
VCM Vehicle Communication Module
VCT2000 Vehicle Communication Tool 2000
VCU Vehicle Computation Unit
VDASH Volvo Dashboard software
VDD VDASH Dongle Diagnostics
VGA Video Graphics Array
VGM Vehicle Gateway Module
VGLA Volvo Guard Alarm System
VIDA Vehicle Information and Diagnostics for Aftersales
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VOC Volvo On Call
WMM Wiper Motor Module
WPC Wireless Phone Charger